……..it has been awhile since I checked into this blog area……it has been a busy time…things have been quite successful at the Chapel of Jimmy Ray…we were in Mexico City….then house guests arrived (Perry and Doug) and it has been full tilt with dinners and excursions and studio and Wheels our Beloved Dog Queen has a cancer scare and Bill Weber was down from SF and we showed his film, We Were Here at the Biblioteca and we are going back to Mexico City on Tuesday with Doug, Perry and Carol Wheeler and I have to really get moving in the studio/gallery/home front when I return with Richard and Semana Santa is coming up and Spring is in full blown flower and seeds to plant and beads to string and tiles and mosaics and dots and that kind of stuff…..and this……and that….seeing…being……listening….. and more of this…
All that and so much more even… Debbie and Indian Pop ups …festivals of spring, Our lady of sorrow and clowns and horrifying mimes 🙂 Thank you for EVERYTHING!!!