People who read this blog…I believe that there may be more than one of you…anyhow, people who read this blog may wonder why all of a sudden I am spouting off about the derelict president known as George Bush. I need to explain: everytime I open a newspaper or read a news service on the internet, I am confronted by the mega mistakes of his foreign policy. In many ways I feel helpless. What can I do? How do we awaken this fool? My committment to my art takes precedent. I refuse to use my creativity as a weapon or an aggressive and mean spiriited reactionary whining tool. But I just can’t sit here and make these armchair observations… I may be curious orange but sometimes I am furious red. So… we are painting the facade of our house….one section is red. That will be the Passion Wall. That is the wall where one can be energized. Where one can turn his or her back on Amerikan misbehavior, remind themselves of the Beauty Way…..and act accordingly
Are there more of us out there? Readers of the bogblog? followers of Jimmy ray, cheerers-on of great beauty in spite of it all? Where art thou, artists thou? am I the only one with time to take? I doubt it. come on, let’s hear the soughing of the blog.