…where do they all come from? We keep getting a number of curiosity seekers out here. It can be overwhelming at times. Yesterday there were over 400 people in bus
loads….kinda scary. Everyone seemed to like it…there were a few pretty conservative types that could not get out of here fast enough….Such is Life! Today a group of lovely Snow Birds came out in these two rather huge pick up trucks….I found out later that they have large trailers that they travel in…to and fro. They were very open minded and got a kick out of things. Later Steve Kohrner from Flying Concrete brought out a group from his building workshop. They were all pretty cool One of the guys said that a group from Nova Scotia that was here yesterday could not understand all the skulls that are around here. They were a bit perplexed…it takes all kinds. I told a woman the other day that there are no dark forces here. These skulls represent the impermanence of it all. Not so strange…huh? By and large….the people are cool…I never intended for all of this to happen…but energy has led us here and it is our folly. Just another Station of the groove.
It IS funny(strange)that people would bother to travel to Mexico and not have some visual awareness that skull=mexico, but then maybe that is why they were at your house, just for that new learning, eh?