……..2012 and there are 31 more days till the Opening of the Chapel of Jimmy Ray…this is one big miracle…so forgive me for so few postings lately. I am full on in the studio and of course the work is happening on the Chapel site…….paint, feathers, Buddhas, bottles, beads, chairs, photos, rhinestones, cement, plants, wire, sylicon, bricks, stone, electrics, ventilation, laughter, happiness, worry……and hard work…that is the picture we are painting these days…..yesterday I looked at the site and saw it from a new perspecive……this construction has actually happened and will continue to flourish…I am humbled and amazed…..Gracias por todo……so….February 4, 2012….1pm…..Be There!
Peace. All will be good. It will be finished and they will come.
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