…I often come across the modern culture in a magazine or on the internet. Bill and Stan, two friends who live here, brought over a stack of magazines the other night. I started reading this piece in a somewhat current issue of New York Magazine about these young artists in New York. God I am glad that I escaped that madness way back when. The whole culture, especially New York and its schtick really amazes me. It is like Fellini’s “Satyricon” come to life in this New Century. Gold Leafed Turds…. art pieces splattered with questionable body fluids of the male gender…I mean really…but yes, I do remember my young days before India. I am so lucky to have gotten out alive. I never really fit there anyway…on the outside looking into the Mystery beyond the pretense of Pose and Swagger…the weird scenes of wonder that were my youth are somehow softened and now glorified beyond style. Gratitude is in order. Rave on….By the way, that is Patrice Wynne and I on the day of the groundbreaking for the chapel.
oooh, looking a L-i-t-t-l-e serioso.