…remember that song? Ian and Sylvia…like 67? Before Sunshine acid and Altamont and the weird scenes of wonder sparked by a bad acid/alcohol mix that drowned the Summer of Lust…I mean Love? Well Love still lives with these two divine cats…..Sueño and Malinche…the Co-Pets of the Week…So I am just gonna get up today and sing and hummm and remind myself of never having caught the proverbial rainbow…but Love did find me….Gracias por Todo for this life
with Richard and all our critters and friends world wide…
Deep Inside…
…there is waiting. A witness to the progressive spirit. It's there all the time. I know because that which is not me or I has experienced this. The experience was fleeting…but there are glimpses every now and then. The idea of putting any of this into words is missing the point entirely…but I plod on in my peripheral discovery. The creative process offers a glimpse into that which has no name…the nameless immersion…the silent return. Years ago in India, a man of such limitless Nature, encouraged me (or the witness) to "come back". At that time I interpreted his offer as a momentary thing. Now, over 30 years later, I have a profound hunch that his offer was an invitation to that which is nameless…….My studio is a temple,a waiting room…a place where I go to rekindle that invitation.
The Rainstorm Woke Me Up and I Remembered……
…..everything that I was trying to forget when I went to sleep. One memory was important and that was that I had forgotten to post my blog in a long time. Things are cooking here and I am busy and productive…lots is in the cooker art wise, animal wise, relationship is still bubbling, new friends…old friends…former friends…Mexico's bi-centennial…so let this be quick…The Interior of the Chapel is painted…we have bought the glass for the windows….priced lighting…going to Baltimore in less than a month…..LIFE and such….last week's Pet of the Week is Cielo…photographed here with Richard…I will post more later in the day…it is 4:30 am…..
The Continuing Story of the Continuative Departures and Returns….
…I met Richard on Saturday in Mexico City. He flew in on a Mexican flight from SFO full of stewards, stewardesses, pilots and co-pilots who had just lost their jobs because the new owners of Mexicana went bankrupt so that they can re-shuffle their business plan to hire them back at a smaller wage rate…that's what Richard told me…But we all know that corporations suck. Amidst all this, back in our neck of the woods…animals are in and out the doors and windows…coming and going…disappearing…Tormenta was gone for over two weeks and she showed up in the middle of the night last week. We got home yesterday and Cielo is not around…we will go look for her today in the bush….I guess the ex-employess of Mexicana Airlines have some time on their hands before they return to the skies with empty pockets and families to feed…so…on a lighter note, but an important note: Tormenta is Pet of the Week here at Groovelandia….she is a cutie and we love her..souls come and go…we move in and out of different landscapes…spmetimes we have fur…other time we are unemployed…sometimes rich…oftentimes poor…It seems we always find a place to land…no matter what…we are part of something really big…we are the kiss of existence….
Sometimes Things Just Get Me Down…..
…..usually it is my mind that identifies, accuses, blames, suggests, decides, judges, believes or convicts that gets me into disturbing waters. I can hear the strings in the background accompanying this post as I do the "Woe is Me Waltz"…..BUT WAIT!!!! Here comes the Present Moment to the rescue! "Cuz all that stuff I mentioned before is tethered to the Past or even sometimes in the Future…and all that mind- scaping is just filler trying to block out the innocence and wonder of the Present. Oftentimes, the actions of our pets…the foliage in the garden…the clouds…or the rain triggers that humble return to the Present…so I am reminded of this….just this.. this present moment. .Manchas has been declared Pet of the Week…he is our bad boy…but his actions bring a smile to my heart….
I am He and He is Me and He is There and I am Here and We are All Together…
…see how I lift these words from a song, see how they fly…. So Richard is up in the States and will be home in a bit less than two weeks. I am settling in to my alone time. There is a part of me that would just love to escape and veg and indulge and be impractical and and eat all the wrong things…but I believe I am moving over, Rover, and letting Jimmy take over and following the trail of the muse in the slipstream of breath and folly. Last night I went to a play at this rich fellow's house in San Miguel. The play was fun but a bit contrived. I found myself comparing the play to the radical theater that I had witnessed and participated in while living in New York back in the 70's. I found myself looking at the hip boomers of San Miguel dancing their social dance (me included). I find that I separate myself and fall into comparison which is so tired…this is all part of me and not necessarily about Richard. But within my "short comings", I find that Richard is there for me with his support and love. That makes me quite grateful and I feel honored, So despite the fact that my partner is way up in San Francisco, I feel our connection and I take refuge in the knowing of that which we are creating together. Watching myself in all this comparison, I know that I will never be the coolest kid in class…didn't work back "then" and it won't work in the present. So I find myself dropping out of school continually throughout my life. Learning…Learning…Learning. My gratitude lies in the fact that there is another soul that I am traveling with and I cherish this gift…this has been a love letter…….