…where Wise Men NEVER tread. So…this woman named Sarah Something from Alaska has got everyone in a tither…including myself. So it is important to stand back…take a deep breath and with the will of those who want the Chimes of Freedom to really ring…let out the cry of no more nonsense….the bitch is toxic…McCain is toxic…Republicans are toxic…We have to clean it up…deeply and with Wisdom and Knowing…if McCain and Sarah Something get elected…we can really kiss Western Civilization goodbye….maybe that is how the cards read…but we can't give up… while we are at it…I encourage everyone to have an exit plan…or at least a disguise to mask our disappointment…I am not trying to sound like sour grapes, but the very fact that Sarah Something is even on the ticket for this election speaks volumes about the depths this country called the US has sunk…..
Simba Schultz
Simba, our alpha male dog (that's god backwards) has been overwhelmingly voted Pet of the Week here in Groove Land. Simba's skills in herding and disciplining the other dogs is beyond reproach. He is to the canine spirit as Oscar Wilde was to the printed word…what a dog! Meanwhile back at the Chapel: Casa Kali is fully functioning as a studio/retreat space. That lovely photographer who was here yesterday took photos of Richard, Manchas, and I in the new space. I would love to see those photos published. I do know this: I have a great photo of Simba grooving in the studio…here he is…Simba Schultz, the Casa las Ranas Pet of the Week!
Happiness is….
…and no, John Lennon, not a warm gun…poor guy had to meet his maker in those words. To me happiness is such a byproduct of the moment…so intangible. So when I am happy I know that I am riding a wave…and sadness and all the other emotions are just waves in this gogly-goop sea that we have this impression that we are navigating We are riding…it is surfing…it's about the wave and the way we ride it. The freedom is in the ride…tomorrow a photographer for a big newspaper up north is coming out here to photograph the place. I am very happy about all this…nice wave. So Surf's Up…I am glad that Richard is here for her visit…I wonder where this wave will take us?
That Sort of Day…
…but hey, whooz complaining. I almost started complaining, but my inept spelling skills prevented me from going further. So here I am leaving the complaint compartment and just hoping that Richard's lil' restaurant downstairs will be serving soon, cuz then I have an excuse for procrastinating…because I am nourishing this very Body: The Buddha. Guess what? I am not registered to vote….I need to do that and I will on Wednesday, the last possible day. Oh my God…well, I must admit, my citizenship skills have always been a bit bent…but I promise to register…Maggy Sperling just called me and threatened me if I did not register…So I send my best to all…and to all a good day!
Well those delightful burros who just got Pet of the Week honors have broken out of their corral twice today. The Award must have given them a more elevated taste for freedom. The last time they almost made it up here into the garden…they did get a few cornstalks out of the lower veggie garden. Lolita and Barbarella are the main culprits. I have Dilly Jo tied to a tree now and I may have to do that for the rest when Richard ARRIVES….which is momentarily. A new stable gate is in order first thing Monday morning…dullness is not part of the scenario here on our lil' corner of the Universe…This is Life!!! This all reminds me of when I was 14 or 15 when I used to sneak the car out late at night from the garage….there was such mysterious freedom…something so new and absolutely seductive…almost like sex. These burros still long for that magic. There is a lesson in this……..and it's for me.
A Democratic Decision…
Well due to interruptions in Denver while Barak Obama was accepting the Democratic Nomination for the Presidency of the United States, the results for Pet of the Week here at Casa las Ranas and the Chapel of Jimmy Ray were late in being posted. This weeks winners (yes, winners) are: Dilly Jo, Cleopatra, Barbarella, and Lolita. These Burros withstood a week of rainy nights to out distance Cielo the Cat and Patzky Groove for this weeks honors. These girls deserve the award. All four are rescue burros from the campo who now have a docile life free of burden. I want to congratulate Cielo for keeping me company all this time while Richard was up in the US and for Patzky who is back from a high fever and is as of this writing grooving down in the studio. Love to all from the Chapel of Jimmy Ray Groove Brood! Oh, before I forget, as Willie Nelson would say, "I've loved you all over the World"…this goes out to my special partner, Richard Groove.