…after typing quite possibly the grooviest blog entry of this entire blog known as the Chapel of Jimmy Ray…my computer locked up and I was unable to copy what I had written about "The Importance of Being Groovy"…and how I tied it all together with a mention of our living in a post-Oscar Wilde world here at Casa de Las Ranas…so it is lost and I could never type that up again…So moving into the moment, there has been a tie for this week's pet of the Week Award. The Award is shared by Slidell Schultz, the grooviest Labradoodle on the face of the Earth and dear divine Perla Groove who has often been accused of being a pillow…So congrats to our loving friends…their cat sister, Cielo returns home to the Groove en la mañana….such is the Groovy Life Richard and I share…
da biggest an’ da liddlest. Dey’s so cute, both pillows, really.