Day 102 of Shelter in Place. We are doing this…It seems to unfold…I could do with less starch and sugar…but hey! We are doing yoga…stretching these bodies…being present. Quite frankly, I do not miss going out to restaurants…there are two or three or four in town that we frequented…one has gone out of business. I feel for all the cooks and wait staff so we help where we can. If anything…this is a huge learning process. I find myself continually learning about allowance and acceptance…someone accused me of being the guru of self promotion recently…what an adage to live up to in this day…promoting this folly that we inhabit has been a job and has afforded me a lot of success and fluidity. For that I am grateful…And this pandemic has afforded me the opportunity to gaze into the mirror and to access the tools of awareness, creativity and meditation and to be accepting of this huge and spectacular thing we call Life…and to live and create without an audience…Just Richard and I and our critters…Life is truly a gift…mistakes and all…I bow down to the Buddha in all of us…”what is…is…and what ain’t…ain’t…” I heard that proclamation long ago on a marble floor in a garden setting in India…somehow those words have stuck with me…
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