…Carlos had a mishap yesterday evening at his house. His brother's truck evidently rolled down his driveway and hit him. I am not sure of the absolute details. We were out for the evening…He was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Kath, our neighbor, facilitated that happening. I heard that his boys were really shook up and crying and Kath calmed them down. I went up to the hospital today and was able to pull some strings and get into see him in the emergency room…was he there all night? He was obviously in pain and Patty was there with him. He jocked and said, "What's going on"? One of his few English phrases…so I know that his spirit is intact. He can move his legs…he has a cut near his eye, but that appears to be ok…I must say, that I was touched so deeply by this incident. We love the Ramirez Family so much.
Transito, Alfonso, and his Brother-in-Law, Mai (nickname) were out front when I got there and thanked me when I left. When I got home, I went up the hill and assured Carlos' sons that their Dad was OK…Send prayers to Carlos and his family…those of you who know him are aware of what a rare jewel he carries. Love to All!
oooh, yes, prayers, white light, Guadalupe candles lit for the dear boy. so much love his way.
Prayers and light to Carlos…
Esteban and Joanna
It’s almost impossible to think of Carlos as anything but a vital life force. I’m thinking he’ll recover faster than anyone else possibly could. Prayers are problematic but every good wish, vibe,and feeling go his way with utter intensity.