Well today we are seeking funds for the Chapel. Here is a picture of quite possibly Jimmy Ray himself getting ready to head into town for an important meeting to raise funds for the home of the Artifacts. I am ashamed to say that weeds are growing again where we cleared the field last March. We need all the luck we can get as we continue to keep the wheels in motion as we bow down in devotion for the promotion of the potion that is at the heart of this Art.
Self Absorbed
I found this photo of myself taken in Sudheer’s back yard on 11th Street in the Village back in 1980 or so. Being the complete egoist that I am, I decided to post this photograph to prove that I once had a youthful exterior. My interior still seems chronologically young, however the exterior points to age and aging…but hey….this life is so provocative….Here’s to Life and all it’s chapters!!!!!!!
At our house there is a wall of bottles for the sun to dance with….while around the corner, the first homersexual: Homer… broods above rosemary as countless butterflies flit through the July flowers. Thank you, John Erickson for the delightful photos. John was one of the many cool people who visited out here last week.
Nothing Lasts…People Change
The Richard and Anado that we have come to love are now the Richard and Anado we will always love. This is us at my 60th birthday party in Mill Valium and the other photo was taken last week in Colonia Roma on Calle Alvaro Obregon near Casa Lamm. Exterior changes breed ordinary transformations which feed the Mystery as mandalas rain all around like circles in deep devotion to esoteric geometry.
Mandala Brings Rain
Well, following Stephen Gross’ suggestion, I built my mandala and the rains came. It has been raining big time for over a week now. The name of this recent Artifact from the Chapel Of Jimmy Ray is: “Return to the Source”. I really enjoyed my involvement in this creation. I am becoming addicted to mosaic…the dots pointed the way to this mosaic fascination. Even weirder: a republican, born again, half black, mosaic artist moved in across the street…compassion and learning go hand in hand….she is teaching me.
It Was 40 Years Ago…But not Today
God, 40 years ago, i tripped the light fandango… still turning cartwheels across the floor. Life has been so utterly amazing. I was sitting out on patio azul here at home and I had such a divine affirming moment. It was such an exquisite moment…blissfull and knowing. Such beauty surrounds me and I am so forever grateful when reminded. One pill made me larger…one pill made me small…and Bhagwan took me by the tail and revealed all. Yes, I forget, and oftentimes I stray…but continually the Mystery beckons me home. Such a gift…this life. Richard returns tomorrow, it will be great to have my cohort home with us all. Love is an invitation!!!!!