…the above title for this lil' blog entry is a big bundle of sweet
organic carrots hovering above my nose…drawing me into the mix where
time and time again I have to agree to start anew even though I have
broken all the promises to myself that this time it is for real…but
in this game….the only rule is to begin again and again in each
freshly established unfolding occurrence of light reflected on a brand
new evolving moment in time…just like now in this gobblygook
effortless (yet a bit wordy) awakening to a new day in Mexico and the freshness of the
morning breeze reminding me to let go of the tension of needing to
know….nowhere to go…no one to be…nothing to get hung about….
One of Many Suppers
…our divine friend Lulu Torbet took this photo yesterday out on the Patio Chichimeca at our totally groovy and evolutionary house….these phenomenally honed visionary friends gathered with Richard and I for some down-but-no-longer-my- home Oklahoma Chili…we sat for this Quasi Last Supper Pose…I got to be jesus 'cuz of my long hair…his fate is not something that I aspire to…as Bhagwan once said: "jesus was the Last Christian"…ain't it the truth! By the way, that's Porn, I mean Childstar, playing Judas who is being the stool pigeon and pointing out jesus to the Romans…..or was it the Phillistines?
Anado McLauchlin Wants to Get to the Heart of the Matter…
…but doesn't that take the fun out of the hunt? I reckon what I really wish is to be alive and alert in the day to day…the immersion into the ordinary wonderfulness of all of this….Somewhere along the way in this journey, I heard someone sing or say, "This…this is all there is"….I want to be awake in this Thisness….here in this….the glory of friendship and growing with others, the intimacy of life with Richard, the joy of this crazy Art Life with all the critters and what they bring and take from the table…I guess I just want to put a big exclamation point on the Gift of this Mystery….Gracias por todo!!!!!!!!
Anado McLauchlin Forgets to Reflect on the Legacy of Michael Jackson…
…well I tried to a bit a few entries back, but I just can't go there…ok, I will try…just plain strange this human condition can be sometimes…the poor guy…but it is sad to think about the children that he left behind…that is where my best wishes go….and all that is eternal that passed through the being known as Michael Jackson…well…that will continue…The Eternal Mystery Welcomes us all……
3:20 am…..
……..yes, I am wide awake…sugar and alcohol and I am paying the price. We had some nice folks for dinner and I had a few glasses of Richard's divine white sangria and some ice cream and I knew it was not a smart idea…and here I am…WIDE AWAKE…. So, I am reminded that yesterday was a sad day for those 70's icons Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson…sad for their fans, but Farrah and Michael at least are free of suffering. Our lives are so tenuous and such an amazing gift from the Creative Source of All Things…I may be wrong on calling it a source,,,maybe it is a limitless abyss of nothingness that this whole dream bubbles forth in such a magical way…hey…it's late and I am typing whatever comes to mind…Lucky Richard could sleep through a hurricane….back to limitless nothingness…I could use a bit of that to fall into and drift back to sleep without attachment to this waking and thinking….wish me luck….Blessing to All Beings…thanks to Farrah and Michael for their creativity!
I Have Water Stuck in my Ear…..
…..oh don't mind me…I just write this blog to myself and occasionally some soul stumbles upon it and I get a comment or two….But maybe I am doing this just to improve my typing skills. Ya never know, which brings me to these visitors we had yesterday….An architectural group from the Oakland Museum. Talk about no response…I could not find a connection with them…There was no inner kid connection. I felt like they were so bored but later a friend advised me that they were a very non effusive group…they were either holding back, heavily sedated, or they were full blown minimalists and the chaos here must have really struck a chord with their inner seconal….I shall not take it personally…but this water in my ear is another matter!