…get hip to the new tip. Swine are getting a lot of press coverage these days…Especially in Mexico. The world media is going to town in it's hysterical fashion and our Beloved Mexico is suffering more because of it. Sure…this is a serious situation, this thing called Swine Flu. But hey now! 200,000 people die of the flu every year world wide …something disturbing about this picture? They are cautioning people not to travel to Mexico…this is going to kill the tourist industry…fuck up the fragile economy. I don't expect to be making many sales these days…so be it. But I am slightly outraged at the news coverge…The American Entertainment…I mean…News media just really sucks. I heard that a man here in our village died last night…he had a very high fever and such…already our paranoid neighbors are saying it is Swine Flu….Wake up! Pobre Mexico….
In His Funky Way…
…Manchas Groove, the weirdest dog alive, arrived on our doorstep a week after our Beloved Kali disappeared. Later I found out that Kali had been killed by a car and Carlos buried her near the gallery site. Manchas had appeared at Carlos' house so I payed to get him neutered and have his shots. That meant that he was the newest part of our Groove Scene. That was almost two years ago….Slowly he has found his way into our hearts despite his unruly ways…pissing, gnawing, jumping, barking, fighting with Simba…His photo appeared twice in the New York Times article about our house…
He is our Beloved in his funky way. Even though the Pet of the Week Award has been suspended, I think it is important that Manchas Groove get his recognition as a true Groover. Here is a photo of Manchas in action……
It’s 8:29 am Here In Mexico…..
….there is Swine Flu down in Mexico City. I just called my friend Patrice who is in a hotel there. I told her to come home…she had already decided to. Our friends Maggie and Alice Sperling are down there…I hope they come home soon. Poor Mexico…this delightful place is really carrying a big load these days. Keep Mexico in your hearts today…she needs some big love sent her way. So, Richard, if you read this….me and all the critters here at the house are doing ok….for once it is cool to be over 50, cuz most of the fatalities are young adults…I remember when I was a young adult… we have to carry this gift of life and hold it precious….this flu thing is such a wake up call for the planet…forgive us, Goddess, for we know nothing…..
There are Certain Patterns…..
…that we seem to be able to assume.
Gut reaction…habits…safety…bondage…religion…lust…you may think I am taking you down into depths that serve psychologists and bolster victims…nope…sorry. I am talking about the underlying magnificent patterns that draw our life force. The genius that goes into this gift of breathing and the creative will that allows one to report back and bring a rhythm to the rock and roll and liquid face of the the Mystery…that is the gig…that is the catalyst…the spark…the hankering for wisdom amidst the Unknown…I want that…I'm in the mix…
The Lone Groover…
…while Richard is up North it is up to me to keep this Groove Scene in some kind of working order. That is why there are therapists…you think I may be joking…I'm not. Sometimes a project like this with the house, Art, animals, cooking, feeding, and Mexico itself can be a bit overwhelming for such a borderline little groover like me…But somehow, the Universe continues to provide and the Mystery keeps me engaged. I love it! So I better un-glue myself from this typing device and get back to work and re-greet the day which was baptized last evening with a sizable chunk of rain! Life is not a problem to be solved…but a Mystery to be lived….Bhagwan stole that somewhere along the line from some other Mystic…but every good Mystic will steal your heart too…he stole and retooled mine…Gracias, Bhagwan!
The Long Haul…
….Well it is that time of the year. Easter has passed. The last of the big music festivals takes place in our little pueblo tonight. Richard is up in the States for the two month-ish long haul. I will be going up to SF in twenty-five days to join him for two weeks. This is my time alone. I know I will get a lot of work done….. I remember Osho/Bhagwan speaking about the Flight from the Alone to the Alone…no matter how we fill our time with people, places, and things…we are ultimately Alone….My lesson is to ease into this space and just be…forgive me, Lovely Lolitaji for forgetting your B-day…I send love and warmth to all my friends. We are blessed in this time to be alive…Love