…graces my life in his subtle glowing way. Now would one not want to have this dude teaching you Art History? He is up in the States now for three weeks and this is what he wears to school. The Goddess loves him….and I loves him too. Should I start singing "wind for my wings"? Or better yet…he is my wind AND my wings. I would not be the man that I am today if I had not invited him out to Lagunitas all those years ago. Casa De Las Ranas would never have risen from those weeds that once surrounded our Magic Home. We have created an interesting and colorful oasis…and we ain't finished yet!
Lovee is Leaving….
I Have Lots of Excuses…
…for not attending to this blog…Busy working, celebrating, hosting, entertaining, loving, returning, and a host of one thousand other things….Lovee is here…she leaves tomorrow. I will post pics from the last few weeks plus get you up to date on the celebration that we had here last Tuesday: celebrating our marriage with San Miguel friends….I am enclosing a photo of some of the work on a new door that I am working on…Love to all! Especially Whitley!
Something Happened…To Me…..
…I grew older and as of this writing I am getting even older. A woman in Oklahoma that I knew as a child sent me this photo of myself at age 17. I was a full fledged wanna-be…notice the madras shirt…that was the style…the Beatles had appeared on my horizon the year before…so the hair of this young man was an important issue. it is all really quite something…this age thing…I thought it happened to others…I actually enjoy reconnecting at times with my past…thank Goddess that I don't have to live there…..
Grooving is Easy…
Gearing Up and Making Preparations….
….before the arrival of Lovee Groove, our next house guest. But before we really get into it…we have to enjoy our vacation here in Troncones. We have had a splendid time, once we escaped from Barra de Potosi. We are just being very very lazy…..doing absolutely just what we want. Every morning Richard and I have been collecting oyster shells and shell remnants with a coral and purplish tint…we used them before on the walls at Casa Kali and on a mirror that I completed recently….I find myself having flashes of guilt for not "working"…but ultimately I am…I am absorbing the beach….getting ready to return home to our life at Casa Las Ranas…love to all!