…in the Pet of the Week Award here at Casa las Ranas, the home of all that is totally groovy and Improvised. This week's award goes to Lolita Valianos…one of our favorite people and a true member of our family. Without the valiant efforts of Lolita…Barak Obama would just be a postscript in American History. However, Lolita, nee Lovee, rose to the occasion and got out the vote which tipped the election in Barak's favor. Congrats to Lolita. We now request that Lolita do something about the Mormon haters who for some reason can't keep out of other people's bizness. I mean, who do they think they are defining marriage? Look at their track record…I go on record to say that Christianity has done more harm to this planet than any other religion. And as old Bhagwan himself said: Religion is Bondage…Be a Light Unto Yourself…
Danger Lurks….
….it is important not to forget on this day of jubilation that there is a large group of people in the US that voted for McCain. Also in California, a supposed Blue State, a majority voted to suspend the Civil Rights of Gay men and women and voted to outlaw Gay Marriage. Those are Richard's and my Civil Rights! I once heard that if you fuck with the truck, you may get run over…but if you dick with the queer you get blown out of town. Wake up America! Let us not get lulled into believing that our Fight for Human Rights of all people has been met…here is a photo of some White voters showing their dejection in McCain's loss…stay tuned…stay awake…stay free…
So Long George Bush…Yes We Did!!!
The Writing is on the Arm….
….Coexistential times are knocking on the door. And I know that it starts at home. It is a day to day…minute to minute reminder to learn compassion for all sentient beings. Being the irreverent type, I know that it is necessary to align the right words before blurting out some of the dribble that has exited from my vocal chords. So Dear Friends as the election nears…let's lift our higher beingness to full throttle and encourage the energy of change to lift humanity into a revered light. May President Obama prevail!
Kona: The Beloved
Pet of the Week honors go to a beloved dog who lived in Santa Barbara, California. Kona was put into a lasting sleep this past week due to a prolonged illness. She was deeply loved by our friend Lolita and her family up north, Two of our cats who were voted this week's winner, agreed to give the honors to Kona and they will wait to accept their honors next week. In the meantime, last week's winner Manchas was a bad boy and got in a fight with Simba, our alpha male. He was reprimanded and now hands over the Honor of Pet of the Week to Beloved Kona who was loved by all. She is free of suffering and at peace. Manchas has been forgiven.