Well Beloved Manchas…who happens to be the lowest on the hierarchal telephone pole here at Casa las Ranas has become a Media Darling. Photos of Manchas appeared twice in the slideshow that accompanied the New York Times article of us. So…by following the worldwide barometer: Manchas has again been voted Pet of the Week. Congratulations to this Divine One…we love him!
Build It…and He Will Come…..
…Jimmy Ray that is…Here are some early photos of the Chapel walls. As of today…all of the walls are up. This is quite an accomplishment! Hats off to Carlos and the Crew. Hats off to Richard for his input…and hats off to Jimmy Ray for inspiring me…and a big hats off to a Divine Patron who has been so generous in wanting to see the Chapel built…
Fifteen and One Half Moments of Fame
We are here in Mexico. The cat is out of the bag… We are humbled by the attention. Go to this URL: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/23/garden/23mexico.html This photo was taken today at lunch at one of our secret restaurants. We can not divulge the name of it…but the Chicken filet is fabulous! Love to all!
With My Feet Down to the Ground…
…I re-enter the life of the day to day. Ordinary Anado gettin' back to work. I have been a bit in the clouds lately: the Wedding, being in San Francisco…the New York Times Interview. I had a big wake up call the other day which has pointed me back to my intentions and purpose and it feels so deliciously groovy with an accent on Groovy. The Universe never fails to leaves rocks unturned where the Mystery waits and eats you up or lets you fly. Gracias, Dios, por todo!
We Are Back!
We returned home last Friday and jumped into all the hoopla that is happening out here at Casa Las Ranas and the Chapel. The walls of the Chapel are growing growing growing. I promise to take some photos, but right now I need to get a new memory card for the camera because Richard and I gave ours to a new friend from New York….but I promise to have some soon. My sleep cycle has been weird and I need a really good nights sleep….I am working and learning and chugglin' and growing and married and it is so good to be home with all of our divine critters. The Pet of the Week Awards will begin again soon….There is so much on the burner right now….Sending Love to all from Richard and Anado Groove!
We are returning tonight to our Beloved Mexico. The trip up here is a comin' to an end. I am ready to go home and so is Richard. I arrived two weeks ago and it feels like months have passed. Of course, the highlight of the trip has been the marriage, but seeing old friends and really divine and fabulous people makes we want to holler….I am including a photo taken from Richard's video camera of Lovee and Sudheer, the photo is from the night before the wedding at Catherine Abby's house…treasured friends can not be topped in my book. Love to all! I will be home tomorrow…got to get back to work and play.