….I must not forget to celebrate. Now that this Blog is a R********n Free Zone…there are so many possibilities…For starters, I want to encourage all you ripe ol' former hippies to think colorful again. I know some of you did stints selling real estate and some of you became therapists and others got law degrees…Well all of that is fine and dandy. I just want to see more color…these beiged out lives are only reflective of beige America… Come on…get funky again. I am now ready to offer all of you a chance to return to your inner Paradise…drug and alcohol free…just get rid of the beige…if you have to wear black…wear some red or pink with it…reclaim your swagger…it's not about Location Location Location…it's about more turquoise and magenta…that way those whooz political party I can no longer mention in this blog…will see you coming…colorful hoards of celebrating dancing whimsical yes sayers…let's do it!
Repulican Free Zone
This Blog has been declared a Republican Free Zone by Anado and Richard. The viewpoint of the Republican Party in the United States does not apply in any way on this humble wayside hamlet on the internet. Everyone (except Republicans) can feel free to be here. So…if you are a Republican, reading this…LSD has been injected into your computer screen and you will soon be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and Emerald green thrown in as you transform from a body politic of hatred into an all inclusive (except Republican) Universe…Let it rain!
We Interrupt this Blog…
…to report that Patzky was found. It seems he never left home. Yesterday Richard and I discovered him down at the Chapel site inside Casa Kali…he must have gone in there during the rain two nights ago and the door shut behind him….HE WAS ALWAYS HOME! I WAS ABSOLUTELY BLOWN AWAY…SO FOLKS, AFTER SOME DISCUSSION HERE AT CASA LAS RANAS…DEAR PATZKY IS AGAIN PET OF THE WEEK…WE THANK THOSE WHO WERE CONCERNED…SO WHILE YOU ARE AT IT…SHOW SOME CONCERN AND GET OBAMA elected…and excuse me for the caps. I am typing in the dark! Love
A Request
We have decided to not have a Pet of the Week winner for this friday due to the fact that Patzky is missing. For all of you who know Patzky….please send prayers or requests to the Universe along with your Obama petitions…please help us repatriate Patzky to this Groove Scene we call home. I love this animal with all my heart…he was gone before for a few days…hopefully that is the case…Love
In the Meantime……
…while the madness boils over in Made in the USA goo goo up north, we find solace in our life here in Mexico. Mexico is absolutely over the top improvisationaly (I made up that word) Coo Coo…and the Coo Cooness is somehow palitable in comparison to the poisonous gooiness of the USA…So immersion in Mexico continues to enrich our lives. If all those infidels, minutemen, "born agains", and "fool agains" up north had a clue to the jewel of humanity South of the Border…life possibly would be different. But the USA has a political party that is running a loose canon/ talking in tongues/ hooliganess for VP on their Presidential ticket…Puh-fucking-leeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Forgive me if I go into exile in my studio to find more Mystery in the Beauty Way.
Fools Rush In…
…where Wise Men NEVER tread. So…this woman named Sarah Something from Alaska has got everyone in a tither…including myself. So it is important to stand back…take a deep breath and with the will of those who want the Chimes of Freedom to really ring…let out the cry of no more nonsense….the bitch is toxic…McCain is toxic…Republicans are toxic…We have to clean it up…deeply and with Wisdom and Knowing…if McCain and Sarah Something get elected…we can really kiss Western Civilization goodbye….maybe that is how the cards read…but we can't give up… while we are at it…I encourage everyone to have an exit plan…or at least a disguise to mask our disappointment…I am not trying to sound like sour grapes, but the very fact that Sarah Something is even on the ticket for this election speaks volumes about the depths this country called the US has sunk…..