And that is where I am. Lately it has been about me showing people around the house and grounds. It was never our intention for it to be like this. Quite frankly I view our place as quite normal, if a tad bit different. I just enjoy the surroundings which stimulate my imagination. Then we do more and the creative bubble expands despite ourselves. Right now there are six dogs down in the studio. Yesterday Simba disciplined Manchas and Manchas has a bit of a cut below his lip. I need to watch out that it does not get infected. Poor Manchas was just Pet of the Week last week and now he is a victim of the pack hierarchy…..such is life…home is where the heart is surrounded by dogs, cats, burros and lots of colorful ideas……
Slidell y Transito
Today is the Feast of the Ascension and the 74th birthday of Transito. He is 74. This is a jewel of a man and the patriarch of the Ramirez family. Transito is our gardener and the garden belongs to him…I just let go and he does his magic Indian thing. He is very shy and traditional…what a gem! And this week, Beloved Slidell has been chosen Pet of the Week, Slidell is a Labradoodle and is sporting his new summer hair cut. Carlos is
recovering….he is resting….everything is healing. Last night I met
a guy at a party and it turns out that I knew him 30 years ago in
NYC…he had a health food store in the Village….He was a total
hippie…now he has the shaved head goatee thing going…it seems he
remains current through the ages…it was good to see him.
Cat Space
If you don't own a cat and you are not elergic to felines….get a cat NOW! Our days are filled with wonder with the cats who live here with us. Sueño, Cielo, Malenche, Skookum, ChicoChe, and Tormenta are such a joy to watch. There is never a dull moment. Cat Space is a whole phenomena that can never be explained…their world is so absolutely vital….don't tell our Burros I said that!
Carlos Had an Accident…He is OK…..
…Carlos had a mishap yesterday evening at his house. His brother's truck evidently rolled down his driveway and hit him. I am not sure of the absolute details. We were out for the evening…He was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. Kath, our neighbor, facilitated that happening. I heard that his boys were really shook up and crying and Kath calmed them down. I went up to the hospital today and was able to pull some strings and get into see him in the emergency room…was he there all night? He was obviously in pain and Patty was there with him. He jocked and said, "What's going on"? One of his few English phrases…so I know that his spirit is intact. He can move his legs…he has a cut near his eye, but that appears to be ok…I must say, that I was touched so deeply by this incident. We love the Ramirez Family so much.
Transito, Alfonso, and his Brother-in-Law, Mai (nickname) were out front when I got there and thanked me when I left. When I got home, I went up the hill and assured Carlos' sons that their Dad was OK…Send prayers to Carlos and his family…those of you who know him are aware of what a rare jewel he carries. Love to All!
Good Dog/Bad Hair
Well Manchas is this week's Pet of the Week here at Casa las Ranas: The Home of the Groove where groovitude is not about attitude. Manchas won in a tight race and his crowning act was peeing on some really mean people's gate. This dog showed up about this time last year after Kali disappeared. He is our wildest pet and shows no signs of mellowing. Remember when things were "really mellow"? And the Electrical Banana Award for Bad Hair goes to me (check photo). What was I thinking when I asked Alex the hair cutter that I wanted an Albert Einstein cut….my hair is way too
Teutonic and Anglo Saxon for that look…but hey…ya gotta love me for
giving it a try. Congrats to Manchas!!!!!!
Carlos’ Boys
I was just down at the Chapel sight and the crew was having their morning lunch…tacos etc. Four of Carlos' sons were down there. When we first arrived here, Carlos had only two sons. Now he has five sons and one daughter…her name is Sharona. These kids are totally divine…they are like nephews and nieces. Recently we donated money for two of the boys' soccer team for new football shirts. Tomorrow they want me to pose for a photo with the team….I could dig that. Here is a shot of four of the boys taken last spring…What a joy!