…I know nothing about nothing. You can read into this statement anything you wish…but do know this: it is coming through your filter…tonight when I was taking a pee….I had one of those Supreme Joyous Moments of Revelation and Relationship with the Whole witnessing the Light…I truly did…and there was the choice to remain there and live in that Revelation… and I knew in that moment that I was not ready…I did not have the means (I felt) to accomplish that…so…trust me when I say….I know nothing about Nothing…..and if I did….I would probably not reveal it…..
…But Funkiness Has That Shine….
I think I have stumbled onto a major scientific and cultural phenomena quite by accident…I do believe there is some credence in this observation. I never could quite put my finger on certain situations…the behavior of some and the choices of others often left me perplexed…"How could they?" And now I know….some people lack the Funk Gene…they just don't have that certain ability or nuance to slide into the Groove…this is a learned behavior…because I believe we are all born with the Funk Gene…and like our Innocence…some allow their funkiness to dissipate…just a Sunday Morning observation on my part…but I felt it needed to be expressed…So I suggest to people like Hilary and Barak and that guy Perry from Texas…and ALL Republicans and most Democrats….folks, lighten up…Bring Funk to the Forefront of your world view…lighten and expand…New Age Drivel has some merits…but beyond that…….Meditate…but don't bring dogma to your reflection…let the funkiness shine through……get in the roll of the rock…enjoy…participate in your funky glow…get over the hump……The Groove is Expansive……Your Inner Emporer or Empress has no clothes…..
Have I Been Profiled?
…I have discovered something lately…nothing big…just an observation….kind of makes me wonder…I am being described as a "Mosaic Artist" in some media and things that I hear…that is a compliment…. however, it is only a corner of the work that I am doing here….there are other things going on…So maybe I should be described as an "Other Things Going On Artist"….it is a bit of a mouthful….I guess I am the only one who notices this…There are so many great Mosaic Artists on the planet and I bow to their expertise…I am a wee fan of many of them….I am just plugging along and oftentimes mosaic work comes into play…I have my little plot in this Grand Universe…and there are "lots of things going on' in that plot…..so I raise a toast to all Artists….all of you……
Most of the Time…..
…I leap before I look…and that has its shortcomings…Today I did it and I believe I hurt someone's feelings. I can not wiggle out of these moments and feel justified…I happen to work on a different wavelength and I can not expect others to be comfortable in that rythmn…So the lesson here for me is…things are not always accomplished by provocation and nudging…there are many different sides to this prism…and the prim is immense….so I am smelling the coffee…I will partake with gusto and be more adaptable and apologetic and hopefully one day I will truly be able to be still and to know….there is a depth in this Mystery…respect is in order……
Electrical Waves From A Past Unforgotten….
…yesterday there was a fundraiser out here at our gallery for the Fringe Festival San Miguel…a really great experimental happening in the ever-gentifying that has become the norm in San Miguel…there are still out posts of bohemia….ya just have to seek and search…We did a reading of the transcript of the Chicago 7 Trial that occured, I believe in 1969 or 1970…The gist of the testimony and the issues are sadly still relevent today…here are some photos that illustrate the play reading yesterday…it may actually be produced…..the first time I was onstage since 1977……but come to think of it……I am onstage every day (chuckle)……that is Sky Yeager as Abbie Hoffman, Allen Gross as Judge Julius Hoffman, Jim Newell as Rennie Davis, Bill Pearlman as David Dellinger, Mick Deiner as Jerry Rubin, Michael Gottleib as William Kunstler, and myself as Allen Ginsberg….Not pictured: Kate Rowland as Judy Collins, and John Wharton as the prosecutor……
Excuse me…….But…..
…I do not remember hearing about Native American people who were victims of extreme genocide being given a new country in order to reclaim their identity. They were placed on reservations that were whittled away as treaty after treaty was broken by the US Government…There was nothing but robbery and genocide on their plates…But the US defends Israel in their genocidal imprisonment of the Palestinian people and I just have to wonder…I am not a racist in any way…but this special treatment to a nation that is backed by supporters with deep pockets is very questionable…something is wrong here…Can someone shed some light on this for me…where is the kernal of compassion?