Well it can’t be Sudheer, unless it was in that brief beardless moment I recall from awhile ago. I think it’s some New Yorker who wandered in from offstage.
EEEEEEGADS!!! Ethel Merman lives, and looks like Sudheer with a bad facelift!!!!
I know it is sudheersky.
and Richardgroove, you have an evil twin just as bad as mine. I love it.
Is that Judy Marzulli, Childstar’s distant cousin?
Well it certainly is’nt Pat…because Klaudia Oliver says she sees Pat walking through Independencia (her knewly discovered neighborhood)
Well it can’t be Sudheer, unless it was in that brief beardless moment I recall from awhile ago. I think it’s some New Yorker who wandered in from offstage.
Or wait a second. Could it be my other cousin?
I think it is Sudheer!
EEEEEEGADS!!! Ethel Merman lives, and looks like Sudheer with a bad facelift!!!!
I know it is sudheersky.
and Richardgroove, you have an evil twin just as bad as mine. I love it.
This is the same person who was spotted singing “I Feel Pretty” at Marie’s Crisis last night in ‘colorful Greenwich Village’!
this is definately patrice after the work she had done in celaya
No way! This is lynda Wyman before the “work”