I submitted the following comment about “The Summer of Love” to the Culture Blog on sfgate.com this morning: “I was twenty years old and one of very few young men magically and mistakenly drafted into the Navy during the Vietnam era. I was stationed at Moffett Field in Mountain View. One of the enlisted men in my squadron was being discharged for taking LSD. He promised himself that he would turn on as many people as possible before his discharge. I was one of the recipients of his quite” righteous” Purple Haze Acid. The direction of my life totally changed. Yes, my soul was psychedlicized…something that does not go away. That particular summer…forty years ago was absolutely inspirational and transforming. I remember that Summer…and yes, I was there.”
Although I am significantly younger than you, back in 1967 I was hangin out with a group of guys in North Hollywood, going to Love-ins in Griffth park…oh yea by 1968 LSD was on the menu for me too.