Last Sunday Sheridan San Segundo and myself judged the Easter Bonnet Contest out at Patsy’s Place…It was a good gig because I donated a necklace for the winner…also Richard and I got a free meal. I just wanted to share this photo with you. Sudheer said I have the Lili Pulitzer thing going…I tend to lean more to "The Old Man and the Sea’…in this case the "Old Man Stranded in the High Desert Surrounded by Rich Gringos". But you see, Dear Folks, I am not stranded…I am tripping the Light Fantastic in a Fandango State of Mind…Love to all…also, Lolita, I took the photo from the previous post using the Photo Booth Program on my Mac…we were being very Left Bank……..
VEry Easterical, and adorable. What fun. But where is Sheridan’t hat???
I agree with Sudheer, very LilyP/Palm Beach, the old man and the sea would have been filthy dirty and brown smelling of fish!!! But yes, had he been of the San Miguel variety you mentioned……absolutely.