…where Wise Men NEVER tread. So…this woman named Sarah Something from Alaska has got everyone in a tither…including myself. So it is important to stand back…take a deep breath and with the will of those who want the Chimes of Freedom to really ring…let out the cry of no more nonsense….the bitch is toxic…McCain is toxic…Republicans are toxic…We have to clean it up…deeply and with Wisdom and Knowing…if McCain and Sarah Something get elected…we can really kiss Western Civilization goodbye….maybe that is how the cards read…but we can't give up… while we are at it…I encourage everyone to have an exit plan…or at least a disguise to mask our disappointment…I am not trying to sound like sour grapes, but the very fact that Sarah Something is even on the ticket for this election speaks volumes about the depths this country called the US has sunk…..
I wish I could disagree with a single thing you’ve said, but I can’t….I also can’t picture mccain getting elected unless they rig the election…oh…yeah…been there, done that already!
I’m at the point where I can hardly talk to anyone about politics…I get soooo pissed off and it does me no good….so I’ll vote for obama and if he doesn’t win, then I’ll reconsider my citizenship in this country.
Bobbi, I am with ya. Anado, you KNNNOOOWWW how I feel. Time for a Global Dynamic meditation, shout out the pissy fear and toxicity, stand up and be strong. Yes, breathe in, breathe out. whew.
oh—that’s Sarah Barracuda…and she’ll stop at nothing…
how could ANYONE vote for a moose murdering redneck bitch.
How the hell am i going to make another 10 months 23 days here?????