…Richard and I just had the experience of watching a pirated version of the Harvey Milk movie with Sean Penn. What can I say? Has anything changed? Prop 8? Born agains? However, in a moment of irony, I received a belated Christmas card from my sister Joanie wishing me and my family a Merry Christmas…so for this moment in time…there is some recognition of civil rights…but what about the poor folks in Gaza…all the downtrodden….puh—fucking—leeeze…..Human Rights Now and I wish us all a better life instilled with freedom, love, dignity……
Where the Mormons and Anita Bryants of the world are concerned, time has NOT gone by, and they have just succeeded in overpopulating the vote in these so many years. But for many there have been huge advances. It is just time again to organize like Harvey did. And to not give up.