Well Manchas is this week's Pet of the Week here at Casa las Ranas: The Home of the Groove where groovitude is not about attitude. Manchas won in a tight race and his crowning act was peeing on some really mean people's gate. This dog showed up about this time last year after Kali disappeared. He is our wildest pet and shows no signs of mellowing. Remember when things were "really mellow"? And the Electrical Banana Award for Bad Hair goes to me (check photo). What was I thinking when I asked Alex the hair cutter that I wanted an Albert Einstein cut….my hair is way too
Teutonic and Anglo Saxon for that look…but hey…ya gotta love me for
giving it a try. Congrats to Manchas!!!!!!
ok. go to the pharmacy across from Hecho en Mexico.
go to the hair care products. Buy “curls rock”…
it’s all about the product, take it from me.
you will smell good and laugh a lot.
Then take a picture.
Hooray for Manchas! Way to pee! I like your Alberto look–what’s wrong with it?