We picked up the tee shirts on Friday in Mexico City…I did not have my camera with me. I wanted to photograph the taller where the silk screening happened. The lost camera drama will be filed under VERY SENIOR MOMENT. But we had a great time. Went out on the town with Patrice, Claire,, and Sherry. Had dinner with a friend of Patrice's…Michael Parker. We had a great time in his Centro Historico apartment. Later went to a very cool jazz club. The musicians saluted us from the stage. I think because of our looks, Richard and I get noticed a lot. We just walk our walk…and love one another….I think the love shows! Oh…we found the camera and here is a hot off the press photo of the tee…they are already selling fast!!!!!!!
Love the tee. whit
I’m so glad I love to wear black.
I NEED one!!!! how? where? xxx
Puhleez bring one for me Tuesday night!