So here I am, back home to our house full of dogs and cats. It is full on for the next nine days, until I head up North to SF. I am looking forward to being with Richard again and having some major good food on Clement Street (Java, Burma Superstar). Speaking of superstars, while in Mexico City, I saw the movie Factory Girl about poor little Edie Sedgwick of Warhol fame. I am major lucky that my mid-western un-coolness spared me the destruction that embedded that crew. That whole scene appeared so glamorous back then, especially for a wannabe the likes of me. But I was spared…I had dog, cat, and burro duty awaiting me in Mexico, but first I had to go to India so that I could learn that "Darshan is every moment…"…outside the window the birds are heralding their existance…Oh Happy Day!