Yesterday…or was it today? I got a biting comment from the woman with the orange hair…Lojita? Eliota? Is that her name? She suggested I look for an Anger Management group? Am I angry? I mean, I may loose it a few times in traffic…but I don’t use the car as a weapon…What’s wrong with a few judgements among friends? Ok…I will go to Anger Management if she promises to carpool with me to Weight Watchers…is’nt judgement just a chemical activity of a much too intelligent (embellished) mind? I am doing my best! (remember, the present rant is being written with my tongue joyously embedded in my cheek). So…. Love to everyone! Remember Jimmy Ray’s motto: Be a Fool Unto Thyself!!!!!
Please bug Anado about his health insurance. NOW.
With love….kk
You DO have good health insurance, right???
That comment from our mutual red-headed friend “Lovey” was on August 31st, and it was in response to your questions about LOVE.
Pradipa said everyone wants to be your best friend, do you believe that??? I do.
We all have our own timings for change, don’t we? No judgement there.