….tonight I watched a DVD…"The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg". I wept throughout. His personage…his vision…his depth…his rawness…his holy abandon…his wild deep quiet silent True Nature…has touched me deeply in this life…I can see so many occurences in my becoming that were the result of my admiration for him. In many ways, I am the man I am today because of his beingness…I went to New York to immulate him..I approached LSD in those early days as a sacrement that he defined…I would never have made it to India without hearing his chants on the harmonium so long ago at the New School in New York. The photo of me that accompanies this post was taken back in the 70's in Oklahoma where I had gone to heal aftera Hepatitus-A infection…35 years ago…Allen lived down the street from me in Manhattan before I returned to Oklahoma that summer and we were neighbors. During that healing process in Oklahoma, I wrote a long Spoken Word "Poem" called "Duel: White Chalk"…the inspiration for that log of words was pure Allen…I am so grateful to have crossed paths with him in this life…there is deep gratitude and affection in my heart for that Dear Soul named Allen…
Whatever it is, still, GOD ABOVE ALL!
That is an inspiring example of human being. Others are just disappointing…