…I find the same old struggles and I still work on them. The joys are still to be found and celebrated. I am going up North on Wednesday to join Richard in San Francisco…that is good. It is the hot season here in Mexico, so the cool ocean breezes (try hurricane force winds at the top of Castro Street) will be a welcome change. I got to thinking today why I never visit my sisters in Oklahoma. Am I selfish? I realize that I just don't want to go there. The remains of my early life there still fester in a sense. One of my sisters said that she did not believe a thing that I say. Do I need that? Her world is colored by Fox News and the fact that she has never left the United States. Do I owe them something? The past is best served in my healing of my roots and not to swim in waters that threaten and conjure the legacy of pain that we learned as children…Somewhere deep inside I honor the love between us. Maybe one day they will come visit me here in Mexico…I send them love from the center where we all evolved. May all beings be free of suffering…may all beings be at peace…may all beings know their True Nature…
Have a wonderful time in SF.
I sure know that one re the sister. I had the very same thing with my brother. I was like a little girl with a pail of water going to a well that had a sign Sorry, No Water and I kept putting my pale down the well and kept getting nothing. Stay away.
We all have that stuff and some days it’s not there and then other times it’s right in your face. Yuch. The air will do you wonders. weewee
right on weewee, so right on. blood only means something if you are getting a life-saving transfusion.
your sisters out here and support you!
see you up in the cool zone…soon…