…the year was 1968. To me, this is one of the most important photos of our lifetime. It was an amazing era and I am glad to have run across this photo today. Obama is the man in the big chair up north and Tommie Smith and John Carlos helped him get there with this protest 41 years ago in Mexico City…I just felt I needed to post this. Love to all!
Great find. I sure do remember that shot. How are you besides being fabulous? Miss you and Mexico. WeeWee
Oh Anado thanks so much for posting this. One small action, one big step for mankind. That was a defining moment–just think–they were attacked for doing it! But now they can look back and be so proud.
Did you actually remember their names or did you peek??
thanks for that posting. wonderful poignant memory.
I will always remember these guys and their names…there is a great photo of the two with their wives hugging in a hotel room during the inauguration of Barak Valianos…I mean Obama…..
nyuk nyuk