It is official…at 7:04 am in La Cieneguita, Mexico…I know nothing…I am an occasional finger pointer…sometimes my aim is true…other times I should exit the back door taking my delusion with me…it is who I am…flawed and polished…the Fool
by anado 2 Comments
Just stumbled in here by acid-dent, dude. You’re a survivor, too, it would appear. My goodness. You Mexico. Me Montana. Still here at 75 now and going strong. Got myself an Astronomical Chair (two in fact) parked out on the flight deck. Flights of Fantasy — Two Cents A Trip! Lift Off In Ten! Come fly away!
Thank you for your the flambouyant color you bring to San Miguel de Allende. I know you love San Miguel as much as the rest of us.
Kimberly Kubalek
Founder, VisitSanMiguel
Travel & Relocation Guide
(415) 154 9917