Our totally groovy and infinitely divine Burras are really clearing the property of weeds and tall grasses. The future sight of the Chapel is mowed down and ankle deep in really rich Burra caca…great for the garden. It has been really cold here the last two days and we may get a freeze tonight. The Burras can handle it but I have been bringing most of the dogs in at night…especially Patzky cuz he has this weak lung thing going on. But hey! Tis two days before Thanksgiving and in three days we are going back to Michoacan for two nights. We will be bringing back a couple of cantera carvings that we saw down there. Right now the front of the house is getting painted come crazy colors and Casa Las Ranas is Alive and Well!!!! We are trully blessed to be here. Totally outrageous are the blessings that fall upon us…may all Beings know the score!
yeah, baby.