…showed up about two years ago before we went to Barcelona. Carlos found him and he sort of replaced Kali in the numbers game here in our home…Kali had been run over, but at the time, I did not know that…Over the years, Manchas kind of grew into the family….he was always high strung, but between manic barking, eating seat covers, attacking Simba, fighting and playing with Slidell…he loved to hang in the studio. The other day I heard him barking and running up the road below the bedroom window….intuitively…I felt he was going away…and sure enough…he has. He has been gone for two weeks now…Richard and I have agreed that the other dogs appear freed up. Three times I had to intervene in what appeared to be a fight to the death between Simba and Manchas…it was frightening. I guess Manchas had too much time on the street and he never could relax here…May he be safe where he has landed….we loved him…he grew on us…Be free, Manchas Groove!
a lovely fitting eulogy. I am sure another one will come along, hahaha, to fill the empty space(????)hahaha
Manch looks like a dog that used to hang out up here in La Cieneguita Norte. At that time she went by the name Guadalupita…
I’ll keep an eye out.
Barba Roja