The tarantula’s corpse is in the compost…mixing, melting and merging with coffee grounds, avacado skins, spent chard and all that good grigri. It feels good. Things are happening…and yes, Lolita, thanks for your wisdom. Lots of things are in the stew pot (work-wise)…what’s left over will join the tarantula in the compost. Maybe I should retitle the blog: 8 Legs to Freedom…kinda Buddhist-like, but hopefully without all the accounting….
Hey, we all need to be reminded that we are good little boys and girls, doing “good jobs”, even by ouselves!! I refuse to have to apologize for how I choose to live my life from day to day. If I never become enlightened, then the path is still open next lifetime, and I shall keep on trekkin’.
keep on compostin’…..