….at least it is still dark out. We just had a 10 minute downpour. It was really something. Nature always puts on a show…even when she lulls you with a heat wave. This big wet yellow cat came in here while I was typing…vying for pet of the Week honors. Childstar, if you read this, the movie about Shopsin's Restaurant last night was definately a regional piece. After a few minutes…I tired of his combative verbage…but I am sure that the food was good…I better go down and make breakfast….
wow, Anado, it must be really regional if you, a former New York cab driver, tired of it so quickly. But of course you’ve done a lot of cities and countries since those days so I guess you’ve just moved way beyond the provincial/regional. I knew it was problematic–I guess that’s why no one’s heard of it but moi.
(and Sheridan, I should have added–she can’t wait to get her hands on it.)
Hey childstar, is it verbage or verbiage?