So I have kinda finished the design for this tee shirt gig about Tom Robbins coming to San Miguel. I am taking the finished product to Mexico City on Saturday morning to see about production…this should be a challenge and an adventure. The guys are down at the Chapel creating the bottle encrusted walls…this is very outrageous…I will hopefully have some photos next week. The roof has been totally tiled and grouted…My next project here is percolating…I may need to put a fire under my idea burner and let inspiration have it’s due and then I will dive into the whoop-de-do of it all and follow the listening…it will happen…is this posting
vague enough for you? Am I succeeding in masking my verbal smokescreen enough to hide the fact that I feel a bit empty of ideas? I must put that inner editor on vacation…I am listening way too much to garbageous thoughts…I just made up that word: garbageous or is it spelled garbagous? My o my…I do know that I have gessoed the panel three times and possibly I have come to the door…now, Anado, just turn the knob…open open open
hee hee, I do that every day!
and it is Garbageous, for proper pronciation coming from garbage. Other wat it would sound like gar-bay-GUS, instead of juss!
can’t wait to see roof pictures, gruv on semi-precious!
Garbageous……….LOVE it!
that’s proNUNciation. wise, not wat.