….but to a back yard, and we ARE going to get married. Absolutely absurdly amazing!!!!!! This blows my mind. I sit here at the computer and shake my head in wonderful glee. Richard and I are taking this step together tomorrow in Novato. It is the year 2008…I never would have thought that my life would have led me here…but come to think of it….my life has always been fluxably wonderful and mysterious…so bring on this next chapter! Gracias to the Goddess in us all!
Again I send much love to you both and will blow kisses up north all day. Send pics of your flowergirl, missy aya. love, wee wee.
I wish you love, tenderness, happiness and laughter!
Looks like the gride and broom were up early and
full of spunk, awaiting the hour! And, thankfully, not hung-over from too much laughing the night before!