…Last evening Richard and I went exploring in the Sufi Neighborhood near our hotel here in Delhi. Suffice to say: It was amazing…truly amazing…The streets were absolutely alive…it was an India that I remember from over 30 years ago…the grit…the guts of it all. Afterwards we had a delicious meal at Karim's…such a delight…afterwards we headed back to meet our driver on the busy avenue…We were surrounded by rickshaw drivers and hagglers vying for our attention. A man asked me in good English: "Where are you from"? I replied that we were from Mexico….he said "O Good, but you sound American"….Richard told him that we had been born in the US but now live in Mexico…He asked if we had ever visited India before…Richard declared that it was his first time and told him that I had lived here before…he asked me where and I told him Pune….he said, "Osho"? I said, "Yes, I knew him"…he looked at me in disbelieving wonder and said, "Really'? I said yes, I had known him…and then my heart filled with tears of remembrance, just like now as I type…and the memory of that meeting and years spent with that man beckons me home to the Source of my Being…and I remember…not something from the past…but a cellular memory of "What is"…I do not make this up or feel any sentimentality…just a remembrance…a return…a return to the Source…I am a lucky man…
same kind of tears welling as I read this…
I have met many Indian people here in the states,
mostly young, and they all had a reverence. Not one expressed anything negative. And they got that from their parents. Most of them said their parents had known him, including my doctor here.
Brings me to tears as well. So lucky were we who had that amazing opportunity and so forgetful I can be about it. Thank you for the reminder.