Cielo, our absolutely amazingly groovy feline King brought a baby dove into the bedroom last night. I chased him into the bathroom and retrieved the tiny creature. The baby was still alive and I could feel it’s tiny heart a’beating. I took the beloved dove out to the balcony and placed the winged angel into a pot of Virginia Creeper. Today the tiny creature is dead and rests in the green. May all Beings be free of suffering, may all Beings be at peace, may all Beings know their True Nature. These words (Meta) are my lesson in life…what I have to learn. Key words: All Beings…..
(Small feathers amidst the leafage…there lies the little dove.)
I don’t know what to say.
My first thought was kitty collar(the kind with the bells), but then I thought, no, you want kitties to get the mice and rats. Survival of the fittest.
Just as natural disaster helps with over-population, so it is a good thing, after all.