Early Morning…it is a Sunday…April 19 in the year 2020…By chance, today….I remember that I went to the Big Muddy Ranch in Oregon 38 years ago…April 19, 1982. So much has happened over the years…4 of those years were spent on the Big Muddy which came to be known as Rajneeshpuram…Yes I was there…no regrets…No I have not watched the Netflix series, “Wild Wild Country”. I am absolutely not interested. It was quite the ride living in that Commune…quite frankly I was glad when it was over…I went to visit Bhagwan for two more years when he settled in India before he became known as Osho…my devotion to him began to fade when witnessing up close that he was actually just a man with his own set of ego-centric problems…however, he was quite the Wizard and I am not ashamed of my years by his side…So today is noted…we are in day 36 of self quarantine…Richard is still sleeping…I have been up since 5am…we will go for a walk at first light…this Life Journey continues…I am grateful for all the chapters I have lived and created…it is still a “good read”…Blessings to All…
Love you. Yes, they were good times.