Enough about Jimmy Ray and Anado for now. Let’s not forget Richard. Divine, quiet yet witty Richard. The anchor of the storm known as Anado. I met Richard eight years ago when I returned from Nashville. As luck would have it…we are still together. It has been over 5 years ago that we purchased the property now known as Casa las Ranas…We are a lucky couple of guys to be able to create and live here in Mexico. Without Richard…none of this would happen. I double salute my friend, brother, lover, partner, co-collaborater, companion, favorite human!!!!!!! Gracias, Ricardo, mi favorito!!!!!!!! We continue to add to the house…at present it is undergoing some major painting. Bright colors!!!! Purples, reds, yellows, lime green, Mexicana rosa! There you go, Middle America…Brighten your lives! By the way, there have been a number of photographers here lately. Included is a photo of Richard by Nancy Rotenberg…I will have a link to her sight real soon…Love to all!!!
Ahhhh, dear dear Richard, truly a love and the voice of reason when all is out of whack! I love it when he gets “mad” at you!!! heeeheeee!