…who was just voted Pet of the Week here in Groove Land. Melinche was rescued as a tiny kitten one rainy night after her mother may have dropped her. I heard her wails and went out in the really wet dark goo of la noche and brought her into our Groove Scene. She hid in the closet for eight long months…had four kittens out of wedlock..had a lesbian affair with Cielo…now kinda dates Sueño…and is becoming weirdly friendly. In this photo she had not quite realized that Simba was on the couch also…so we had to shoot this fast while voting…we have such a rich life here with our brood….We love them all!
King Richard shares the throne with Simba the Great and Princess Malinche. It is rumoured that she may become Queen some day. The Kingdom is thriving and well-governed by the Laws of the Groove.
What a fab picture XXXXX