…got started yesterday on the float…most of the plans that I arrived with are out the window and things are falling into place..I have downsized my original idea and that feels good. My float is titled "The Heart of the Jungle"…I will keep photos posted as this progresses. A man form Montreal is helping me get started on the heart and it has been a great blessing. He has worked with this maluable cable that we are making the frame with…so that is great. His name is Richard…the main thing is to get this float on the street…so that is the Vision that must be realized….things are falling into place…
Richard making the interior armature for the Heart
Plans on the wall in the workspace…
Heart Model….brought up from Mexico
Frame is coming along
Richard with Diane who is one of the Solstice Artists….great people!
A Mexican heart! Can’t wait to see it all!