Well, Dear Friends, there is nothing like the possibility of having cancer to bring one closer to one's True Nature. I mean this in the loftiest of senses and at the same time the most ordinary of ways. Since last Saturday, I have had some very strong emotional visits with myself. From dire fear to astonishing heights of acceptance. So say a prayer for small victories and ordinary acts of soul and physical maintenance. I raise a toast to myself and the fact that I was able to wash my hair today in the shower in tearful ecstasy. The first washing since they cut that critter out of the back of my head. I am blessed ten fold by my Loved Ones (both two and four legged…and don't forget our three gold fish). Gracias Dios,
for this day and the Dixie Chicks!
Wow The big c word really takes you on a trip most wouldn’t want to ride. Just knowing Perla and the critters are there will be your lily pad to land on. Praying and thinking of you. Whit
Yep, Perla brings you RIGHT to this very moment. Like a big bug hitting the windshield of your car while you are driving.
I love you.