…."g" stands for gilactic…we are winding down here at Zihuatenejo and heading back to San Miguel tomorrow. It has been a groovily lazy time…however, I have been the target of numerous " nosee'ums"…these hopelessly tiny bugs that have been munching on my delicious lil' body…so Zihuatenejo is getting a "C" in my book…however, the weather has been divine and the food has been tremendously ultra-groovy. I will be glad to get back home and into the studio…I can only indulge in so much non-doing before I need to plug back in….so we will return to the Source Center of our Particular Groove for more Polishing of the Secrets that rise from the Pool of Mystery that intrigues, nourishes, and amazes us without bounds or beliefs…..
g for “go gettem!”