Here we are at Precious…I mean Present Moment Yoga Center having drinks just before sundown….
Reader Interactions
sooooo, precious, I wish wish I was there again, feeling precious, be-ing precious, worshiping precious….
you were DRINKing precious, ok, and EATing precious with so so so precious sunset moments…
but but… it looks like you’re all separate. And where is Perla, didn’t she join you? In any case, enjoy every moment of preciousness, darlings, and hurry back to regular momentdom, if you can bear it.
sooooo, precious, I wish wish I was there again, feeling precious, be-ing precious, worshiping precious….
you were DRINKing precious, ok, and EATing precious with so so so precious sunset moments…
but but… it looks like you’re all separate. And where is Perla, didn’t she join you? In any case, enjoy every moment of preciousness, darlings, and hurry back to regular momentdom, if you can bear it.